kim possible live action


I just found out there’s a Kim Possible live action remake and it looks so bad. The visual effects look like a 5-year-old did them and it’s clearly made for a younger audience. I’m not really sure why they wouldn’t market this for people more my age because I feel like they would get a better outcome for this film if it was for an older audience. While I know the point of a remake is to introduce this story to a new audience it still should provide nostalgia for the crowd that has seen the OG version. This show was made when I was a child so the people that know the old Kim Possible would look forward to seeing a remake of a film if its good. Key word, GOOD.

I don’t have an issue with remaking a film if there’s a way it’s executed to where it looks like it could be just as good as the original, if not, better. I think the reason a lot of people (including myself) don’t like remakes is because you can completely change a story, and if the story is good from the start, why change it?

Here’s the trailer so you can understand my anger:


  1. I feel this anger deep in my soul. The second they released the cast for this movie I know this was going to be a New Disney disaster. It's really disappointing to see something that I loved so much as a child done so dirty in the form of a live action remake. everything from the costuming, to the script, and especially the little bits of fight sequences seen in the trailer are such a let down to the original cartoon.

  2. I think that something like this could have had strong potential with the right production company and budget to support it but it does just come off as tacky and poorly animated. I don't think I would have been that frustrated if it were a live action that looked decent but they did Kim Possible very wrong with this live version.

  3. While I'm not defending this trailer in any way (it looks horrible), and correct me if I'm wrong but this appears to be a straight to TV movie that will be released on the Disney channel and not in theaters. So at least there not trying too make money off of people's nostalgia with a terrible remake. Rather they're just making a terrible live-action adaptation for the Disney channel, which I suppose I can't get too mad at. I mean, how much effort does Disney ever put into their straight to TV movies? Not much. So I wouldn't expect much from this sub-par trailer.


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