Everyone Views Animation Differently

The way that each person views animation is extremely different. When thinking specifically about our most recent screening from last Tuesday, each animation was so unique in its own form. I personally enjoy a more strange and mutated form of animation, rather than one that is more lifelike. For example, the film Flux by Chris Hinton was by far my favorite film from the screening. The way that he utilized space and the complete mutation of reality was not only mesmerizing, but also hilarious. However, once we get to a form of abstraction that is as minimal as Oskar Fischinger's Studie Nr. 7, I find myself lost and uninterested. Of course, this is only my personal view of this. Going back to my first sentence, each person views animation in a different way. For some of the people in the class, Studie Nr. 7 may of been their favorite film from the screening. This fact makes us appreciate animation even more. The diversity that comes with animation is never ending.


  1. Agreed, I think this is part of what makes animation so cool is that everyone can get something totally different out of watching films. The animator has so much flexibility to create something new and interesting and because of this, animated films can be valuable in different ways to people.


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