Will Virtual Reality really be the next big hit in the future?

     In our last class when we were discussing what the future of animation will be like in 20+ years, someone mentioned that VR will be all over in the future. That got me thinking, and I actually disagree with that statement.
     While I can admit VR is very cool (I own a Playstation VR and love it) I do think that it won't be the replacement for the way we view entertainment in the future. Virtual Reality takes extremely long to create, and as of now it is extremely expensive to own. I do think it will be more popular when the time comes and they make it less expensive and easier to access, but I don't think it will take the place of theatre or stuff like that. I feel as if it will be more of a fad, because there are a lot of negative aspects of VR as of now, such as a major one of getting headaches from the screens. Also, the entertainment produced for the VR will be tough to make as well. Will it be animated, or will they choose live action to create this virtual world.
     I could be extremely wrong with this prediction, but nobody will know for sure until we hit the future. I would like to know what you all think about this and how if you agree or disagree with me!


  1. I'm very interesting in where VR is heading and what place it has in the entertainment industry. I think at this point it could go either way. I can definitely see a future where VR becomes affordable enough to be a household item, though I think it won't be in the context of video games or VR specific content. Apparently watching a regular movie on VR is really nice, and I think its possible that it might threaten movie theaters. Or maybe the VR craze is just a fad, and will remain solidly in the novelty section of the industry.


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