Video Games

Just a heads up, I'm not a big gamer at all. The last game I played was Minecraft and that was quite a while ago, but I was always curious about the animation in video games. I think that we live at a time where we can make things look very very realistic in movies. Take this video as an example.

It's a clip from the movie Ready Player One and it shows the difference from live action to CGI and the difference is so slim that you can barley point out anything wrong with the CGI version. So my question is, why don't video games look as real as movies do? If we can create such realistic shots in movies why can't we create such realistic figures in games such as NBA 2k or Madden?
If anyone has an answer for me that'd be great!


  1. I'm not a tech expert, but I think it has to do with processing power and system specs? Video games are being run in real time, either by a console or a computer, so rendering more high quality graphics puts a bigger strain on the system. That's why sometimes when you're playing a game the frame rate will drop or textures won't load correctly, especially if your computer doesn't have the optimal hardware to run it. Animation and graphics in movies are pre-rendered (some games do this for cut scenes, but it's becoming less common as technology improves) so you don't end up with any of those problems, since it's not trying to load all the individual assets from scratch every time you play the movie.

    Also, video games do have some pretty realistic graphics now a days (Detroit Become Human, Until Dawn, The Last of Us/The Last of Us 2). Tech is improving so fast that I think it's become less of an issue and more of a selling point for new games. I think the reason you don't see it everywhere is because it's mostly it's a design choice. Photo real doesn't work for everything.

    1. also that Ready Player One clip is pretty incredible!! I would never have known that was CGI looking at it.


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