Mature vs Immature

I was trying to think of other animations categories from our discussion the other day and I really liked when we talked about mature vs immature/serious vs. not serious. It’s really interesting to think about considering the fact that serious and mature are usually pretty closely related but on Thursday we really fleshed them out. “Without My Anus” is not serious but in a way it covers some mature topics about how the United States and Canada views the Middle East, it’s all in a joking way but it’s all underlying. “Logorama” is another really good example of the serious-mature debate. It might not be a serious movie, it’s funny and everyone is a logo, well the entire film is made up of logos. But it really exposes our nation for how we deal with different crisis’ and how consumerism controls many of our lives. I think this spectrum is really helpful and needs to be used when analyzing most films to give them a correct understanding.


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