Adult Animation vs "Not for Kids" Animation

What I took away the most from the unit on adult animation was the difference in what I'm calling Adult Animation and animation that's "Not for Kids".  I would call these the main two categories. Films such as "Waltz with Bashir" or "Persepolis" I would call Adult Animations because they cover mature topics and tell stories that are too much for young kids to hear. However animations like "South Park" or "Beavis and Butthead" are not sophisticated in anyway and what I would call Animation Not for Kids because they are just super inappropriate and not meant of young viewers. These are two very different types of entertainment and story telling methods. Other animations we watched are harder to put in neat categories like the one with all the logos or "Washington". It's hard for me to exactly explain the difference, but I found "Washington" funny while I thought "South Park" was terrible. Like my group in class discussed, while "South Park" seemed to base their whole show around one dumb sense of humor/joke, "Washington" was funny because of how random and different it was. While things it said wouldn't usually be funny on they own, it was funny when all sung together about the first president.


  1. I agree with this distinction and I think it comes down to desired audience vs actual audience. While in theory South Park was created for an adult sense of humor, it inevitably became a show for "edgy middle schoolers" as someone on here stated. The show still tries to make political jokes to cater to their desired audience, but it ends up relying much heavier on sophomoric butt jokes because these are the jokes that land with their actual audience. On the contrary, I think Persepolis and Waltz with Bashir have little variation between their desired and actual audiences.


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