Older Special Effects

         I have been sick in bed for the past week, so I have had a lot of time to watch television, and I found myself watching Spider-Man (2002). This is honestly a pretty incredible movie when it comes to the story, most of the acting, and the visual effects. There's just one scene that caught me off guard because of how bad the visual effects are. It's the scene where Peter Parker is figuring out his powers on the roof top in the city and he starts to jump from rooftop to rooftop and the camera goes to a birds eye view and it looks all elongated and weird. I assume this is because Sami Rami got lazy and didn't want to spend the time or money on good effects but regardless, it made me cherish new age CGI. P.S. there is something nostalgic about the bad effects though..


  1. I think it's really funny to go back and watch old animations that as a kid seemed good. Just the other day my friends and I were talking about Hoodwinked and just how bad it looks now even though as kids we thought it was really cool. It's crazy how fast technology advances and how much better animations look now.

  2. I'm conflicted on the effects in Spider-Man (2002) as a whole. Like on one hand, I adore the film in all its cheesy glory, and I think that some of the effects are still fun to watch (i.e. all the web-swinging scenes). But yeah, there's a lot of janky CGI throughout the film. Anyone else remember the people turning into cartoon skeletons after the Green Goblin lobs a pumpkin bomb at them? I guess an excuse for this is that a lot of the action happens during the daytime, where it's a lot harder to cover up any of the fakeness of the CGI. That's why all the action that happens in the dark in these films look a lot better. But I still don't think it really takes me out of the film during my countless rewatches of the trilogy. If fanything, it adds to the cartoony atmosphere that Raimi is able to pull off with the films.


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